i got an iphone last week. richard and i both did. within 12 hours, i managed to drop mine. underneath a train. as my hear sank and i both laughed and cried, we frantically found some maintenance workers who announced we'd have to wait for the train to leave before they'd be able to retrieve it. it was a nerve-wracking 15 minute wait. i kept imagining my iphone would look like those flattened pennies--you know, when you're 8 it's cool to put a penny on the train tracks and retrieve the flattened copper after the rain runs it over? after the train left, the maintenance man had to turn the electric current off so he could grab the phone. to my complete amazement, you couldn't even tell the phone had been dropped, bounced off the platform before falling on the tracks next to the rail and had a 12-car train rumble by and inch or two away. not only was it still on, it was still paused on the npr podcast i was listening to before the fall! richard was all-too happy to take pictures:

i guess i have no excuse now not to blog, since i'm basically carrying a mini-version of mac book along with everywhere i go now! i actually don't quite know how i lived pre-iphone anymore. it's ridiculously addictive.
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