and i'm not sure which designer fashion show this woman was on her way to--but she's dressed solely in plastic shopping bags. i really hope she has something on underneath. perhaps this is her clever way of taking all of her bags to the recycling bin? i hope so. i mean, this can't be her work outfit, can it? maybe she's trying to get fired today.

R and i are having all of our furniture delivered on thursday. we realized today that we forgot to order the bed slats from ikea! whoops. we also need to take a few items to the dump--the current bed and computer desk. so we've hired a van and a driver for the afternoon tomorrow. we're planning an early morning, last-minute ikea run to collect all the other things we didn't have the energy to shop for last time--sheets, table, chairs, etc. so, tomorrow should be productive and busy. today was mostly a waste--we did get out on the high street and checked out all the market stalls, but didn't purchase anything. we made lunch and sat on the couch with R's flatmates watching 'Knowing Me Knowing You with Alan Partridge' for much of the afternoon. really funny comedy, but that's left us with piles of cleaning to do tonight and tomorow.
Awww....Alan Partridge! I hope they show his Christmas special again here this year.
I was thinking the shopping bag lady might be testing out floatation devices...why she's in Guildford, I can't help there.
knowing me, knowing yule--i think it's called? R just bought the whole series for really cheap on a UK site, and the xmas special is on it!
The Cristmas Special is awesome...I don't want to ruin it, but it left me collapsed on the kitchen floor laughing when I saw it.
Now I know what to do with all my plastic bags, a bag lady halloween costume! What kind of shoes would go with that?
perhaps you can construct some cardboard clogs?
Kelmeister found some maxi-pad slippers...
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